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Smart window wonderful display - transparent screen secret

updated time:2016-06-30 00:00:00   source:SGL   label: SGL news


According to reports, in most people's eyes, windows are windows through which we see the world outside. However, the current high technology may change the use of windows. Here we will introduce a new technology that can transform your home window into a display.

Researchers from SGL have made certain technological breakthroughs in this area. They have developed an advanced intelligent light valve made of liquid crystals that can be transformed between transparent and opaque patterns, and The conversion rate is very fast.
    Most transparent displays rely on OLEDs. These displays are completely transparent when turned off, but when you turn on the power to turn them on, they become opaque, and this conversion does not reduce the display. Quality.

It should be noted that this intelligent light valve does not require energy consumption in the normal resting state (ie, transparent state). At this time, light can pass through the window and serve as an ordinary window, even when it is “work” (ie, it is not In the transparent state, the required power is very small. This means that the energy required for this display is to maintain its "opaque" rather than "transparent."
     In the future, the researcher will also try to improve this smart window so that it will only consume electricity when it is switched between transparent and opaque. This will greatly reduce electricity consumption, which will bring us a real "pragmatic "High-tech transparent display.
