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What is advertising machine

updated time:2014-01-06 22:54:35   source:SGL   label: Industry news

What is an advertising player?
    The advertising machine is a new generation of smart devices that use standard LCD monitors and LCD TVs to realize information display and video advertisement playback through networking and multimedia system control.
    The advertising machine mainly realizes building/outdoor LCD advertising: refers to the commercial terminal advertising system in the form of LCD or LCD screen in the channels of commercial buildings, supermarkets, and campuses, etc. It uses broadcast advertisement programs and other programs as expression means.
    It mainly includes 8 main channels: commercial buildings, supermarkets in stores, aviation terminals, hospital pharmacies, outdoor large LCDs, bus rentals, school campuses, train stations, and other channels.
    The characteristics of advertising machines With the advent of advertising machine technology development and the advertising machine has become a low cost media industry, advertising machine is like a lock iron links in various fields, advertising in buses, coaches, taxis, hotels, restaurants, banks, Schools, shopping centers, bus stations, train stations, subway stations, subway trains, high-speed trains, hospitals, specialty stores, bars, KTVs, sales centers, exhibition halls, stadiums, museums and other public places appear.
    Commercial Buildings LCD: LCD commercial terminal advertising systems installed in office buildings and apartment buildings in urban areas are generally installed in the elevators. This research area includes street LCD networks, but does not include golf courses, cinemas, and other channels.
    Bus Rental Mobile TV LCD: Refers to commercial terminals, advertising systems installed on public transport, rental, private cars, etc.
    Outdoor large LCD screen: Light Emitting Diode (light emitting diode) abbreviation. The LCD display is divided into a graphic display and a video display, each consisting of an LCD matrix block. Outdoor large LCD displays mainly refer to large-scale commercial terminal advertising systems that are used in commercial centers and are suspended from buildings. The general area is over 100 square meters.
Other LCD terminal markets: refers to non-mainstream channels such as coffee shops, KTVs, communities, restaurants, and subways
    The advertising machine needs the support of a network player advertising multimedia playback system. The online advertising player multimedia player system uses the intelligent management module to implement remote management and control of the player on the player side, and implements a complete network protocol and remote management and control functions on the server side. Ability to implement flexible management of remote terminals, multimedia playback quality without bandwidth constraints, the channel is not limited by the server, can have any number of channels, and even each terminal has an independent channel. The server architecture uses a generic streaming service system to implement innovative distributed domain management technologies and load balancing technologies. The number of terminals is not limited. It can perform centralized and unified management of hundreds of players, and it can also be distributed and managed hierarchically.
    The advertising machine can be used for information/advertisement of buildings, buildings, offices and local area networks. Through routers, fiber optic cables, metropolitan area networks, PSTN, etc., the system can even be distributed all over the world, realizing super information release through the wide area network (Internet).
    The networked system of the advertising machine is composed of the following devices: 1, multimedia information machine 2, console computer 3, server 4, network equipment and cables. As a terminal of a multimedia information distribution system, a multimedia information machine is an integrated dedicated embedded computer.
Features are: powerful multimedia information processing capabilities, including: → real-time video, audio decoding → real-time video, audio playback → compatible with a variety of images, animation, audio formats have Ethernet interface, support centralized control through the TCP / IP network .
    The advertisement machine uses audiovisual and textual interactions to become a new type of media-based market in LCD screens and LED screen displays, displaying more vivid and creative advertisements. Because of this, the advertising player has certain characteristics that make the advertising player exhibit the following characteristics:
    1. The ultimate purpose of the time domain advertising machine is to occupy the market share of the advertising. Because the advertising machine can spread advertising beyond the time constraints and space constraints, so that the advertisement is separated from the space-time restrictions and advertisements are disseminated, the media company will play advertisements in more time periods. The advertising machine is on standby 24 hours a day, anywhere. According to many media companies, general advertising machines are required to have on/off time slots to play advertisements and effectively display advertising effectiveness.
    2. Multimedia advertising machine design can spread a variety of media information. Information such as words, sounds, images, etc., makes ignorant, boring, and abstractive advertising more vivid and human. And can fully play the media company's creativity and initiative.
    3. Promotion on personalized advertising machines is one-on-one, rational, consumer-led, non-obtrusive, step-by-step, and it is a low-cost and humanized promotion to avoid the interference of salespeople with strong sales. And through the provision of information and consumers to establish long-term good relationship.
    4. Growth advertising machine has become a young, middle-class, high-educational group. Most viewers have strong purchasing power and strong market influence. Therefore, they have great market potential for development.
    5. Leading advertising machines get rid of traditional traditional advertising models, such as traditional flyers, newspapers, etc., while advertising devices are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and provide multiple types of communication in multiple directions, and are easily accepted by a large number of groups.
    6. Efficient advertising machine can store a large amount of information, can convey the quality and accuracy of information far more than other media, and in response to market demand, timely update information or adjustments, so timely and effective to meet customer needs.
    7. Economy Advertising through advertising machines can replace flyers, newspapers, and TV commercials. One party can reduce printing, mailing, and high-cost TV advertising expenses. On the other hand, CF cards and SD cards can be rewritten several times to reduce the number of exchanges. Loss.
    8. The technical advertising machine is based on high-tech equipment as a media company. It must have certain technical support to implement the promotion, change the traditional concepts, and enhance the needs of media companies and customers. It requires the operation of advertising machines, computer technology, video editing, and images. Complex talents such as photo processing can have a competitive advantage in the future market.
